AMV1 Editor Pack

This small command line utility allows you to change some of the back-end data elements of Amateur Radio Logging (AMV1) software. You can use this utility to modify frequency allocations, country prefixes and even the logos!

Download the application AMV1EDPK.ZIP (20Kb), and extract to some temporary directory. The main executable is AMV1EDPK.EXE, but view the README.TXT file, or see the details below for information.

NOTE: Ensure to backup the two datafiles mentioned (or restore from the originals included in the archive when needed) before re-encoding. Please be aware that this is a simple utility that has only be tested for basic functionality.

Frequency Allocation

Frequency allocations are held within a single file, AMV1PLUG.FRQ. Ensure that this file is within the same directory as the AMV1EDPK.EXE (copy from your AMV1 directory). Then simple run the following to extract it:

amv1edpk.exe /frq amv1plug.frq amv1plug.txt

This will extract the frequency information into the file AMV1PLUG.TXT in the local directory. Simply open this file with a text editor. The first line of this file must stay as 'SRCVALIDATION', but the next two can be changed for your convenience. From this point forward, all frequencies are listed in ascending order, with the following format:


Where every field after field 3 should be either 1 for true, or 0 for false. Please note that if these conventions are not followed it is likely to cause parse errors within AMV1! In addition, ensure that the frequencies are sorted in ascending order (by start frequency).

When you have made your changes/additions, run the following command to re-compile them.

amv1edpk.exe /frq amv1plug.txt amv1plug.frq 

This will encode the settings back into the AMV1PLUG.FRQ file. This can now be copied into your AMV1 data. Run the application, and it should work!

Datafile Elements

The datafile contains various bits, but the main file that will be useful is the file containing the country callsign prefixes. Changing this (i.e. adding all countries) will fix the bug in AMV1, which causes lots of 'Index out of range' errors when leaving the call sign field.

You should use the AMV1ORIG.SDT file from THIS archive for initial modifications, and not the file contained within your AMV1 data directory. This is due to compatibility problems with other releases. So, copy AMV1ORIG.SDT to AMV1DATA.SDT in the same directory as AMV1EDPK.EXE. Then run:

amv1edpk.exe /data amv1data.sdt 

This will create three files within that directory, details below:

  • ICONS.BMP - Various icons used within the application (appended to each other)
  • MAINLOGO.BMP - Large version of original logo
  • PREFIX.TXT - Country callsign prefixes, this is the one to edit!

You can simply change these files using a text editor or whatever. With the PRFIX.TXT file you have to again follow the conventions, or AMV1 will break. All entries should be in the format:


Where code is some prefix for the call sign (i.e. M for UK), and country is just some text. ALSO NOTE that they must be sorted in alphabetical order (numerical too, with numbers appearing before letters), taking the WHOLE COUNTRY CODE! Again, due to the way it searches, it just won't find your entries if they are not in the correct sorted order.

Once you have made your changes, run:

amv1edpk.exe /data 

This will encode all the three files back into the original AMV1DATA.SDT file. This can be copied into the AMV1 directory, and run. If you wish to make future additions to this data file, then you can simply repeat the process (using the new AMV1DATA.SDT file from your AMV1 directory).

software/radio/amv1_editor.txt · Last modified: 2011/05/27 21:59 (external edit)
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