Hobbies & Interests:
© Simon Robert Chudley 2012
s i m o n@c h u d l e y . m e
Below are a random selection of scripts for a random set of tasks! They are written in different languages and in some cases are operating system dependent.
To download a script you can just click on the file name above the code (note some scripts only have a downloadable version).
Description: | Diffs all files within two directories, using underlying 'diff' tool. |
Language: | Perl |
Example: | perl source/directory target/directory |
# S.Chudley ( : Diff all files between two directory structures my %l_src = (); my %l_dst = (); &list_files($ARGV[0], \%l_src); &list_files($ARGV[1], \%l_dst); foreach my $l_file (sort keys %l_src) { print "$l_file: "; if (defined $l_dst{$l_file}) { my @l_results = `diff \"$ARGV[0]\\$l_file\" \"$ARGV[1]\\$l_file\"`; if ($? != 0) { print "\n\n"; foreach my $l_line (@l_results) { print " ".$l_line; } print "\n"; } else { print "No change.\n"; } } else { print "Not found in target directory.\n"; } } foreach my $l_file (sort keys %l_dst) { if (!defined $l_src{$l_file}) { print "$l_file: Not found in source directory.\n"; } } sub list_files { local ($a_dir, *a_list) = @_; chomp(my @l_files = `dir /B \"$a_dir\"`); foreach my $l_name (@l_files) { my $l_file = $a_dir."\\".$l_name; if (-f $l_file) { my $l_path = $ARGV[1]; $l_path =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; if ($l_file =~ /^$l_path/) { $l_file =~ s/^$l_path\\//; } else { $l_path = $ARGV[0]; $l_path =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $l_file =~ s/^$l_path\\//; } $l_file =~ s/^\.\\//; $a_list{$l_file} = 1; } elsif (-d $l_file) { &list_files($l_file); } } }
Description: | Script to fill up a drive, leaving a given number of bytes free. |
Language: | Perl |
Example: | perl 1024768 |
# S.Chudley ( : Script to fill up a drive, leaving a given number of bytes free my $leave = $ARGV[0]; if ($leave eq "") { print "Specify amount of space to leave (as bytes).\n"; exit(1); } print "Filling buffer...\n"; $block_size = 1024 * 1024; my $data_buffer = ""; for (my $i=0;$i!=$block_size;$i++) { $data_buffer .= " "; } if ($leave >= 2000 * $block_size) { print "Can't leave more than ".(2000 * $block_size / 1024)." kb free!\n"; exit(1); } my $free_space = &get_free(); print "Drive has ".($free_space/1024)." kb free...\n"; if ($free_space >= 2097152000) { print "Making a big file (2048 MB) called file.big..."; &make_file("file.big", 2000 * $block_size); print " Done.\n"; } $free_space = &get_free(); print "Drive now has ".($free_space/1024)." kb free...\n"; if ($free_space <= $leave) { print "Arn't $leave bytes free anyway!\n"; exit(1); } my $multi = int($free_space / (2000 * $block_size)); print "Spinning out $multi copies of this file (total ".(2000 * 1024 * $multi)." kb)...\n"; for (my $i=0;$i!=$multi;$i++) { `copy file.big file.$i.big`; if ($? != 0) { print "Oops? File write failed?\n"; exit(1); } my $pc = ($i / $multi) * 100; $pc = substr($pc, 0, 5); print " Created ".($i + 1)." files [".$pc." %]\n"; } $free_space = &get_free(); print "Drive now has ".($free_space/1024)." kb free...\n"; my $remains = $free_space - $leave; print "Consuming up remaining ".($remains / 1024)." kbs... "; &make_file("remaining.big", $remains); print "Done\n"; $free_space = &get_free(); print "Drive now has ".($free_space/1024)." kb free...\n"; if ($free_space ne $leave) { print "Erm? Something went wrong\n"; exit(1); } exit(0); sub make_file { my ($name, $size) = @_; open(OUT,">$name") or die "Can't create file '$name'!\n"; my $done = 0; my $blocks = int($size / $block_size); while ($done < ($blocks * $block_size)) { print OUT $data_buffer or die "Oops? Write failed in make_file()?"; $done += $block_size; } for (my $i=$done;$i!=$size;$i++) { print OUT " " or die "Oops? Write failed in make_file()?"; } close(OUT); } sub get_free { my @free_txt = `dir /-C`; my $free = 0; foreach (@free_txt) { if ($_ =~ m/\s+([0-9,]+)\s+bytes\s+free/) { $free = $1; $free =~ s/,//g; } } return $free; }
Description: | Executes a passed command on every file within a target directory. |
Language: | Perl |
Example: | perl c:\scratch *.bmp gzip FILE |
# S.Chudley ( : Executes a passed command on every file within a target directory my $l_dir = $ARGV[0]; my $l_ext = $ARGV[1]; my $l_cmd = ""; for (my $i = 2; $i < @ARGV;$i++) { $l_cmd .= " ".$ARGV[$i]; } if ($l_dir eq "" or $l_cmd eq "" or $l_cmd !~ /FILE/) { print "foreach_file <source_dir> <extension> <command>\n"; print "\nWhere <command> contains one of more occurence of FILE, which will be replaced by the file being processed.\n"; exit(1); } chdir($l_dir); foreach (`dir $l_ext /B`) # For Windows # foreach (`ls $l_ext -1`) # For Linux { chomp; my $l_loc_cmd = $l_cmd; $l_loc_cmd =~ s/FILE/$_/g; print `$l_loc_cmd`; }
Description: | Lock a file exclusively for read/write. |
Language: | Perl |
Example: | perl TheFile.txt |
# S.Chudley ( : Lock a file use Fcntl qw (:flock); my $file = $ARGV[0]; if (! -f $file) { print "Can't find '$file'\n"; exit(1); } open(FILE, ">>$file"); flock(FILE, 2); print "Type something and hit enter to unlock: "; <STDIN>; close(FILE);
Description: | Modifies the file last access time. |
Language: | Perl |
Example: | perl file.txt |
# S.Chudley ( : Modify file access time use Time::Local; $when = timegm(0,0,10,12,8,10); utime $when, $when, $ARGV[0];
Description: | Corrupts a file by writing random bytes into it. |
Language: | Perl |
Example: | perl UnluckyFile.txt |
# S.Chudley ( : Corrupt a file my $file = $ARGV[0]; if (! -f $file) { print "Can't find '$file'\n"; exit(1); } my $size = (stat($file))[7]; open(INF, "+>".$file) or die "Can't open '$file' for writing!"; binmode INF; my $k = $size / 1000; for (my $i = 1;$i != 1000;$i++) { my $pos = int($k * $i); &blat($pos); } close(INF); sub blat { my $pos = shift; seek INF, $pos, 0; print INF "\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255"; }
Description: | Count number of lines in C++ app, where files end cc, c, hh or h. |
Language: | Perl (Windows) |
Example: | perl |
# S.Chudley ( : Count number of lines in C++ app, where files end cc|c|hh|h my $l_extensions = "cc|c|hh|h|cpp|hpp"; my $l_count = 0; &count_dir("."); sub count_dir { my $a_path = shift; chomp(my @l_files = `dir /B $a_path`); foreach my $l_name (@l_files) { my $l_file = $a_path."\\".$l_name; if (-f $l_file and $l_file =~ m/\.($l_extensions)$/i) { my $l_c = 0; open(INF, $l_file); while (my $l_line = <INF>) { if ($l_line !~ m/^\s*\/\// and $l_line !~ m/^\s*\*/ and $l_line !~ m/^\s*\/\*/ and $l_line !~ m/^\s*#/ and $l_line !~ m/^\s*$/) { $l_c++; } } close(INF); $l_file =~ s/^\.\\//; print $l_file.": ".$l_c."\n"; $l_count += $l_c; } elsif (-d $l_file) { &count_dir($l_file); } } } print "\nTotal: $l_count\n";
Description: | Replaces all tabs with spaces within all cc, c , hh or h files within a given directory recursively. |
Language: | Perl (Windows) |
Example: | perl |
# S.Chudley ( : Replace tabs with spaces in source code my $l_extensions = "cc|c|hh|h"; &do_dir("."); sub do_dir { my $a_path = shift; chomp(my @l_files = `dir /B $a_path`); foreach my $l_name (@l_files) { my $l_file = $a_path."\\".$l_name; if (-f $l_file and $l_file =~ m/\.($l_extensions)$/) { my $l_tfile = $l_file.".tmp"; print "Processing $l_file...\n"; open(INF, $l_file); open(OUTF, ">".$l_tfile); while (my $l_line = <INF>) { if ($l_line !~ m/^\s*\/\// and $l_line !~ m/^\s*\*/ and $l_line !~ m/^\s*\/\*/ and $l_line !~ m/^\s*#/ and $l_line !~ m/^\s*$/) { $l_line =~ s/\t/ /g; } print OUTF $l_line; } close(OUTF); close(INF); `copy $l_tfile $l_file`; if ($? != 0) { die "Failure with copy on $l_tfile to $l_file!"; } `del $l_tfile`; if ($? != 0) { die "Failure to delete $l_tfile!"; } } elsif (-d $l_file) { &do_dir($l_file); } } }
Description: | Allows you to set the master Windows volume via a script. |
Language: | VBScript |
Example: | adjust_windows_volume.vbs |
'S.Chudley ( : Set Windows master volume (hAE = DOWN, hAF = UP) Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") For i=1 To 100 WshShell.SendKeys(chr(&hAE)) Next
Description: | Toggels the master mute setting on Windows. |
Language: | VBScript |
Example: | toggle_mute_windows_volume.vbs |
'S.Chudley ( : Toggels Windows master mute set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")"Sndvol32" WScript.Sleep 1500 oShell.SendKeys"{TAB 2} " oShell.SendKeys"%{F4}"
Description: | How to run Perl embedded into a DOS batch file. |
Language: | DOS Batch |
Example: | perl_in_a_batch.bat |
@echo off REM S.Chudley ( : Embed Perl into a batch script echo Now we're in a batch file perl -x -S %0 %* goto endofperl @rem '; #!/perl print "Now we're in a Perl script - type something... "; chomp(my $a = <STDIN>); print "You typed '$a'\n"; __END__ :endofperl echo Now we're back in a batch file!