Hobbies & Interests:
© Simon Robert Chudley 2011
s i m o n@c h u d l e y . m e
The Cover Sheet Generator tool is designed to allow you to quickly index large video files, creating a set of cover sheets (JPGs).
You can then use these to easily browse the content of your videos without having to scan through them, similar to browsing a set of thumbnail images.
The tool can be configured to take frame stills at periodic points throughout the video, allowing you to control how frequent they are taken, and how they are presented in the cover sheets.
As the tool is fully automated, it'll create a set of JPG files containing the cover images prefixed with the video name. The process of generating these is very quick, allowing you to quickly build up a complete index of all your videos in no time!
Download the zipped tool using this link Save and extract that archive, leaving CoverGenerator.exe and README.TXT.
There is no installation required for this tool - simply run CoverGenerator.exe!
Ensure that the preview window that is shown when you select a video file is completely visible before hitting 'Create', otherwise portions of the video can get truncated.
Some video formats require the appropriate codec to be installed (note, this application won't always use the same codec as Windows Media Player). Download and install the appropriate codec to resolve this issue.